Recommended church library books
The Cost of Discipleship - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Respectable Sins - Jerry Bridges
The Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation - D.A. Carson
The Prodigal Son: Discovering the Fullness of Life in the Love of the Father - Matt Chandler
James - Matt Chandler
A Beautiful Design: God's Unchanging Plan for Manhood and Womanhood - Matt Chandler
Imago Dei: God's Image, God's People, God's Mission - Mike Cosper
Deep Discipleship - J.T. English
The Good Life Bible Study - Dr. Derwin L. Gray
Gospel Above All - J.D. Greear
Living on the Edge (R12: Dare to Experience True Spirituality) - Chip Ingram
Effective Parenting in a Defective World - Chip Ingram
Marks of a Disciple: Six Measurements for Growth - Dean Inserra
What Are You Afraid Of? - David Jeremiah
Gospel in Life: Generosity - How God's Radical Grace Makes Us Givers - Tim Keller
The Prodigal God - Tim Keller
The Meaning of Marriage (study guide and DVD) - Tim Keller
Gospel in Life - Tim Keller
Overcomer Bible Study - Stephen; Alex Kendrick
Pursuing Holiness (Disciple for Life) - Philip Nation
Gentle & Lowly - Dane Ortlund
Two Ways to Live: Know and Share the Gospel - Phillip D. Jensen; Tony Payne
Jude - Jackie Hill Perry
God is The Gospel - John Piper
Help My Unbelief - Barnabas Piper
The Blazing Center - John Piper
Desiring God - John Piper
The Pleasures of God - John Piper
The Life of a Jesus Follower - Vance Pitman
Something Needs to Change - David Platt
Welcome Home - Thom S. Rainer (Michael Kelley)
Elijah - Priscilla Shirer
Making Space - Jeff Vanderstelt
God of Deliverance - Jen Wilkin
Sermon on the Mount - Jen Wilkin
recommended church library series
FOR YOU: Exodus - Tim Chester
FOR YOU: Judges - Tim Keller
FOR YOU: 2 Samuel - Tim Chester
FOR YOU: Psalms - Ash Christopher
FOR YOU: Proverbs - Kathleen Nelson
FOR YOU: Micah - Stephen Um
FOR YOU: Luke 1-12 - Mike McKinley
FOR YOU: Luke 12-24 - Mike McKinley
FOR YOU: Romans 1-7 - Tim Keller
FOR YOU: Romans 8-16 - Tim Keller
FOR YOU: 2 Corinthians - Gary Millar
FOR YOU: Ephesians - Richard Coekin
FOR YOU: Philippians - Steven J. Lawson
FOR YOU: Colossians - Mark Meynell
FOR YOU: James - Sam Allberry
GOSPEL SHAPED: Living - Vernon Pierre
GOSPEL SHAPED: Mercy - Stephen Um
GOSPEL SHAPED: Outreach - Erik Raymond
GOSPEL SHAPED: Work - Tom Nelson
GOSPEL SHAPED: Worship - Jared C. Wilson
EXPLORE THE BIBLE: Genesis - The Life of Jacob - Lifeway Adults
EXPLORE THE BIBLE: Isaiah - Lifeway Adults
EXPLORE THE BIBLE: Luke 1-9 - Lifeway Adults
GOSPEL CENTERED: Church - Steve Timms; Tim Chester
GOSPEL CENTERED: Family - Ed Moll, Tim Chester
GOSPEL CENTERED: Leadership - Steve Timms
GOSPEL CENTERED: Marriage - Tim Chester
MAKING SENSE OF: The Bible - Wayne Grudem
MAKING SENSE OF: Christ and the Spirit - Wayne Grudem
MAKING SENSE OF: Man and Sin - Wayne Grudem
MAKING SENSE OF: Salvation - Wayne Grudem
MAKING SENSE OF: The Church - Wayne Grudem
MAKING SENSE OF: The Future - Wayne Grudem
MAKING SENSE OF: Who God Is - Wayne Grudem
recommended on right now media
Various Titles - J.D. Greear
The Gospel Comes With A House Key - Rosaria Butterfield
Various Titles - Matt Chandler
Various Titles - Tim Keller
The Bible Project - Read Scripture Series - Tim Mackie
Various Titles - John Piper
Various Titles - David Platt
Parenting - Paul David Tripp